Ookii.CommandLine Namespace

Provides functionality for defining and parsing command line arguments, and for generating usage help.


AliasAttribute Defines an alternative name for a command line argument or subcommand.
AllowDuplicateDictionaryKeysAttribute Indicates that a dictionary argument accepts the same key more than once.
ApplicationFriendlyNameAttribute Sets the friendly name of the application to be used in the output of the "-Version" argument or "version" subcommand.
ArgumentParsedEventArgs Provides data for the CommandLineParserArgumentParsed event.
CommandLineArgument Provides information about command line arguments that are recognized by an instance of the CommandLineParser class.
CommandLineArgumentAttribute Indicates a property or method of a class defines a command line argument.
CommandLineArgumentException The exception that is thrown when command line parsing failed due to an invalid command line.
CommandLineParser Parses command line arguments defined by a type's properties and methods.
CommandLineParserT A generic version of the CommandLineParser class that offers strongly typed Parse and ParseWithErrorHandling methods.
DictionaryArgumentInfo Provides information that only applies to dictionary arguments.
DuplicateArgumentEventArgs Provides data for the CommandLineParserDuplicateArgument event.
GeneratedParserAttribute Indicates that the target arguments type should use source generation.
LineWrappingTextWriter Implements a TextWriter that writes text to another TextWriter, white-space wrapping lines at the specified maximum line length, and supporting hanging indentation.
LocalizedStringProvider Provides custom localized strings.
MultiValueArgumentInfo Provides information that only applies to multi-value and dictionary arguments.
MultiValueSeparatorAttribute Specifies a separator for the values of multi-value arguments.
NameTransformExtensions Extension methods for the NameTransform enumeration.
ParseOptions Provides options that control parsing behavior.
ParseOptionsAttribute Provides options that alter parsing behavior for the class that the attribute is applied to.
ShortAliasAttribute Defines an alternative short name for a command line argument.
UsageWriter Creates usage help for the CommandLineParser class and the CommandManager class.
ValueDescriptionAttribute Supplies a short description of the arguments's value to use when printing usage information.


ParseResult Indicates the result of the last call to the CommandLineParserParse method or one of its overloads.


IParserTSelf Defines a mechanism to parse command line arguments into a type.
IParserProviderTSelf Defines a mechanism to create a CommandLineParserT for a type.


ArgumentKind Specifies what kind of argument an instance of the CommandLineArgument class represents.
CancelMode Indicates whether and how an argument should cancel parsing.
CommandLineArgumentErrorCategory Specifies the kind of error that occurred while parsing arguments.
DescriptionListFilterMode Indicates which arguments should be included in the description list when generating usage help.
DescriptionListSortMode Indicates how the arguments in the description list should be sorted when generating usage help.
ErrorMode Indicates whether something is an error, warning, or allowed.
NameTransform Indicates how to transform the argument name, subcommand name, or value description if they are not explicitly specified but automatically derived from the member or type name.
ParseStatus Indicates the status of the last call to the CommandLineParserParse method or one of its overloads.
ParsingMode Indicates what argument parsing rules should be used to interpret the command line.
UsageHelpRequest Indicates if and how usage is shown if an error occurred parsing the command line.
UsageWriterOperation Indicates the type of operation in progress.
WrappingMode Indicates how the LineWrappingTextWriter class will wrap text at the maximum line length.