Ookii.CommandLine.Commands Namespace

Provides functionality for creating applications with multiple subcommands, each with their own arguments.


AsyncCommandBase Base class for asynchronous commands that want the ICommandRun method to invoke the IAsyncCommandRunAsync method.
CommandAttribute Attribute that indicates a class implementing the ICommand interface is a subcommand.
CommandInfo Provides information about a subcommand.
CommandManager Provides functionality to find and instantiate subcommands.
CommandOptions Provides options for the CommandManager class.
GeneratedCommandManagerAttribute Indicates that the target class is a command manager created using source generation.
ParentCommand Base class for subcommands that have nested subcommands.
ParentCommandAttribute Indicates the parent command for a nested subcommand.


IAsyncCommand Represents a subcommand that executes asynchronously.
ICommand Represents a subcommand of the application.
ICommandWithCustomParsing Represents a subcommand that does its own argument parsing.