Provides functionality for creating applications with multiple subcommands, each with their own arguments.
AsyncCommandBase | Base class for asynchronous commands that want the ICommandRun method to invoke the IAsyncCommandRunAsync method. |
CommandAttribute | Attribute that indicates a class implementing the ICommand interface is a subcommand. |
CommandInfo | Provides information about a subcommand. |
CommandManager | Provides functionality to find and instantiate subcommands. |
CommandOptions | Provides options for the CommandManager class. |
GeneratedCommandManagerAttribute | Indicates that the target class is a command manager created using source generation. |
ParentCommand | Base class for subcommands that have nested subcommands. |
ParentCommandAttribute | Indicates the parent command for a nested subcommand. |
IAsyncCommand | Represents a subcommand that executes asynchronously. |
ICommand | Represents a subcommand of the application. |
ICommandWithCustomParsing | Represents a subcommand that does its own argument parsing. |