ClassValidationAttribute Class

Base class for argument class validators.


Namespace: Ookii.CommandLine.Validation
Assembly: Ookii.CommandLine (in Ookii.CommandLine.dll) Version: 4.0.0+bb7ed9a8fdfd1cb21824750a8cf508863ad15086
public abstract class ClassValidationAttribute : Attribute
Object    Attribute    ClassValidationAttribute


Class validators are executed when all arguments have been parsed, and allow you to check whether the whole set of arguments meets a condition. Use this instead of ArgumentValidationAttribute if the type of validation being performed doesn't belong to a specific argument, or must be performed even if the argument(s) don't have values.

If validation fails, the validator will throw a CommandLineArgumentException with the category specified in the ErrorCategory property. The CommandLineParserTParseWithErrorHandling method, the CommandLineParserParseT(String, ParseOptions) method, the generated IParserTSelfParse(ParseOptions), and the CommandManager class will automatically display the error message and usage help if validation failed.

A built-in validator is provided, and you can derive from this class to create custom validators.


ClassValidationAttributeInitializes a new instance of the ClassValidationAttribute class


ErrorCategory Gets the error category used for the CommandLineArgumentException when validation fails.
TypeIdWhen implemented in a derived class, gets a unique identifier for this Attribute.
(Inherited from Attribute)


EqualsReturns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object.
(Inherited from Attribute)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
GetErrorMessage Gets the error message to display if validation failed.
GetHashCodeReturns the hash code for this instance.
(Inherited from Attribute)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
GetUsageHelp Gets the usage help message for this validator.
IsDefaultAttributeWhen overridden in a derived class, indicates whether the value of this instance is the default value for the derived class.
(Inherited from Attribute)
IsValid When overridden in a derived class, determines if the arguments are valid.
MatchWhen overridden in a derived class, returns a value that indicates whether this instance equals a specified object.
(Inherited from Attribute)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Validate Validates the argument value, and throws an exception if validation failed.

Thread Safety

Static members of this type are safe for multi-threaded operations. Instance members of this type are safe for multi-threaded operations.

See Also