CommandLineParserTParseWithErrorHandling Method

Parses the arguments returned by the EnvironmentGetCommandLineArgs method, and displays error messages and usage help if required.


Namespace: Ookii.CommandLine
Assembly: Ookii.CommandLine (in Ookii.CommandLine.dll) Version: 4.1.0+9df03b6173b5fc9d44dc39638758964dd7a0f4c7
public T ParseWithErrorHandling()

Return Value

An instance of the type specified by the ArgumentsType property, or if an error occurred, or argument parsing was canceled by the CommandLineArgumentAttributeCancelParsing property or a method argument that returned CancelModeAbort or .


If an error occurs or parsing is canceled, it prints errors to the ParseOptionsError stream, and usage help using the UsageWriter if the HelpRequested property is . It then returns .

If the return value is , check the ParseResult property for more information about whether an error occurred or parsing was canceled.

This method will never throw a CommandLineArgumentException exception.

See Also