CommandOptionsIsPosix Property

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the options follow POSIX conventions.


Namespace: Ookii.CommandLine.Commands
Assembly: Ookii.CommandLine (in Ookii.CommandLine.dll) Version: 4.1.0+9df03b6173b5fc9d44dc39638758964dd7a0f4c7
public override bool IsPosix { get; set; }

Property Value

if the options follow POSIX conventions; otherwise, .


This property is provided as a convenient way to set a number of related properties that together indicate the parser is using POSIX conventions. POSIX conventions in this case means that parsing uses long/short mode, argument and command names are case sensitive, and argument names, command names and value descriptions use dash-case (e.g. "command-name").

Setting this property to is equivalent to setting the ParseOptionsMode property to ParsingModeLongShort, the ParseOptionsArgumentNameComparison property to StringComparisonInvariantCulture, the ParseOptionsArgumentNameTransform property to NameTransformDashCase, the ParseOptionsValueDescriptionTransform property to NameTransformDashCase, the CommandNameComparison property to StringComparisonInvariantCulture, and the CommandNameTransform property to NameTransformDashCase.

This property will only return if the above properties are the indicated values, except that the ParseOptionsArgumentNameComparison and CommandNameComparison properties can be any case-sensitive comparison. It will return for any other combination of values, not just the ones indicated below.

Setting this property to is equivalent to setting the ParseOptionsMode property to ParsingModeDefault, the ParseOptionsArgumentNameComparison property to StringComparisonOrdinalIgnoreCase, the ParseOptionsArgumentNameTransform property to NameTransformNone, the ParseOptionsValueDescriptionTransform property to NameTransformNone, the CommandNameComparison property to StringComparisonOrdinalIgnoreCase, and the CommandNameTransform property to NameTransformNone.

See Also