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Ookii.Dialogs Namespace

Contains types for using the task, credential, progress, input and common file dialogs with Windows Forms. In addition, utility classes for working with Aero glass, system fonts and task dialog visual styles are provided.
Public classAdditionalVisualStyleElements
Contains classes that provide additional visual style elements not available through the regular VisualStyleElement class.
Public classAdditionalVisualStyleElementsTaskDialog
Provides VisualStyleElement objects for task dialog related elements.
Public classAdditionalVisualStyleElementsTextStyle
Provides VisualStyleElement objects for text styles.
Public classAnimationResource
Represents an animation for the ProgressDialog loaded from a Win32 resource.
Public classCredentialDialog
Represents a dialog box that allows the user to enter generic credentials.
Public classCredentialException
The exception that is thrown when an error occurs getting credentials.
Public classExpandButtonClickedEventArgs
Provides data for the ExpandButtonClicked event.
Public classExtendedForm
Base class for windows forms with extended functionality.
Public classGlass
Provides functionality to use Aero Glass.
Public classHyperlinkClickedEventArgs
Class that provides data for the HyperlinkClicked event.
Public classInputDialog
Represents a dialog that allows the user to input a single text value.
Public classOkButtonClickedEventArgs
Provides data for the OkButtonClicked event.
Public classProgressDialog
Represents a dialog that can be used to report progress to the user.
Public classTaskDialog
Displays a Task Dialog.
Public classTaskDialogButton
A button on a TaskDialog.
Public classTaskDialogItem
Represents a button or radio button on a task dialog.
Public classTaskDialogItemClickedEventArgs
Provides data for the ButtonClicked event.
Public classTaskDialogItemCollectionT
Represents a list of TaskDialogItem objects.
Public classTaskDialogRadioButton
A radio button on a task dialog.
Public classTimerEventArgs
Provides data for the Timer event.
Public classVistaFileDialog
Displays a dialog box from which the user can select a file.
Public classVistaFolderBrowserDialog
Prompts the user to select a folder.
Public classVistaOpenFileDialog
Prompts the user to open a file.
Public classVistaSaveFileDialog
Prompts the user to select a location for saving a file.
Public enumerationButtonType
Represents the type of a task dialog button.
Public enumerationDownlevelTextMode
An enumeration that displays how the text in the MainInstruction and Content properties is displayed on a credential dialog in Windows XP.
Public enumerationProgressBarState
Represents the state of the progress bar on the task dialog.
Public enumerationProgressBarStyle
Indicates the type of progress on a task dialog.
Public enumerationShellAnimation
Resource identifiers for default animations from shell32.dll.
Public enumerationTaskDialogButtonStyle
Indicates the display style of custom buttons on a task dialog.
Public enumerationTaskDialogIcon
Indicates the icon to use for a task dialog.