AnswerFileGenerator | A generator for Windows unattended installation files. |
AnswerFileOptions | Provides options for generating an unattended Windows installation answer file using the AnswerFileGenerator class. |
AutoLogonOptions | Provides options for logging on automatically. |
CleanBiosOptions | Provides options for a clean installation on BIOS-based systems. |
CleanEfiOptions | Provides options for a clean installation on UEFI-based systems. |
CleanOptionsBase | Base class for all install options that perform a clean installation on a specific disk. |
DomainCredential | Represents a credential for a domain or local user. |
DomainOptions | Provides options for joining a domain. |
DomainOptionsBase | Base class for types that provide options to join a domain. |
DomainUser | Represents a domain or local user. |
DomainUserGroup | Represents a domain user and the local group to which the user should be added. |
ExistingPartitionOptions | Provides options for installing to an existing partition. |
InstallOptionsBase | Base class for types that provide options for a specific installation method. |
LocalCredential | Provides credentials for a local user account. |
ManualInstallOptions | Provides options for an installation where the disk and partition to install to must be manually selected by the user. |
OptionalFeatures | Provides options for installing optional features. |
Partition | Specifies a partition to be created when using the CleanBiosOptions or CleanEfiOptions class. |
ProvisionedDomainOptions | Provides options for joining a domain using a provisioned computer account. |
TargetedInstallOptionsBase | Base class for all install options that target a specific disk and partition. |
Resolution | Represents a display resolution. |
PartitionType | Indicates the type of a partition. |