Ookii.AnswerFile Namespace

Contains the AnswerFileGenerator class, which generates answer files (usually called unattend.xml or autounattend.xml) for unattended Windows installation.


AnswerFileGenerator A generator for Windows unattended installation files.
AnswerFileOptions Provides options for generating an unattended Windows installation answer file using the AnswerFileGenerator class.
AutoLogonOptions Provides options for logging on automatically.
CleanBiosOptions Provides options for a clean installation on BIOS-based systems.
CleanEfiOptions Provides options for a clean installation on UEFI-based systems.
CleanOptionsBase Base class for all install options that perform a clean installation on a specific disk.
DomainCredential Represents a credential for a domain or local user.
DomainOptions Provides options for joining a domain.
DomainOptionsBase Base class for types that provide options to join a domain.
DomainUser Represents a domain or local user.
DomainUserGroup Represents a domain user and the local group to which the user should be added.
ExistingPartitionOptions Provides options for installing to an existing partition.
InstallOptionsBase Base class for types that provide options for a specific installation method.
LocalCredential Provides credentials for a local user account.
ManualInstallOptions Provides options for an installation where the disk and partition to install to must be manually selected by the user.
OptionalFeatures Provides options for installing optional features.
Partition Specifies a partition to be created when using the CleanBiosOptions or CleanEfiOptions class.
ProvisionedDomainOptions Provides options for joining a domain using a provisioned computer account.
TargetedInstallOptionsBase Base class for all install options that target a specific disk and partition.


Resolution Represents a display resolution.


PartitionType Indicates the type of a partition.