PartitionType Enumeration

Indicates the type of a partition.


Namespace: Ookii.AnswerFile
Assembly: Ookii.AnswerFile (in Ookii.AnswerFile.dll) Version: 2.1.0+446b05628b4ec6933ca1b84b1f778ac43fb60ce9
public enum PartitionType


Normal0 The partition is a normal data partition. For EFI/GPT, these are always primary partitions. For BIOS/MBR, an extended partition with logical volumes is created automatically based on the partition count.
System1 The system partition. For EFI/GPT, this is the special EFI System Partition (ESP), and will be formatted as FAT32. For BIOS/MBR, this is a regular NTFS partition that should precede the Windows partition. No drive letter will be assigned.
Msr2 A Microsoft reserved (MSR) partition. This partition type is only used for EFI/GPT. Partitions of this type will not be formatted using a file system, and will not be assigned a drive letter.
Utility3 Indicates the partition is a utility partition, such as a recovery partition or Windows RE tools partition. It will be marked as a utility partition using the appropriate TypeId, and will not be assigned a drive letter.

See Also