AnswerFileOptionsFirstLogonScripts Property

Gets or sets a collection of PowerShell scripts to run during first log-on.


Namespace: Ookii.AnswerFile
Assembly: Ookii.AnswerFile (in Ookii.AnswerFile.dll) Version: 2.1.0+446b05628b4ec6933ca1b84b1f778ac43fb60ce9
public Collection<string> FirstLogonScripts { get; set; }

Property Value

A collection of scripts, with their path and arguments.


The scripts specified by this property will be executed by invoking Windows PowerShell using PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass. This is provided for convenience, and there is no difference between this property and using the FirstLogonCommands property to explicitly invoke PowerShell.

The scripts will run after any commands specified by the FirstLogonCommands property.

See Also