TargetedInstallOptionsBaseImageIndex Property

Gets or sets the index of the Windows image to install.


Namespace: Ookii.AnswerFile
Assembly: Ookii.AnswerFile (in Ookii.AnswerFile.dll) Version: 2.1.0+446b05628b4ec6933ca1b84b1f778ac43fb60ce9
public int ImageIndex { get; set; }

Property Value

The one-based image index, or zero to decide based on the product key.


A WIM or ESD image file can contain multiple images, typically used for different SKUs such as Home or Professional. Normally, the AnswerFileOptionsProductKey property is used to determine which image to install. However, for editions that are not necessarily activated using a product key (such as those using volume licensing), you can use the image index to select which edition to install.

To list the images in a WIM or ESD file, use the PowerShell Get-WindowsImage command.

See Also