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Ookii.Jumbo.IO Namespace

Public classBinaryRecordReaderT
Public classBinaryRecordWriterT
A record writer that writes to a file using a binary format based on IWritable serialization.
Public classChildReaderException
Public classCurrentPartitionChangingEventArgs
Provides data for the CurrentPartitionChanging event.
Public classEnumerableRecordReaderT
A record reader that reads from a list. Mainly for test purposes.
Public classIndexedQuicksort
Quicksort implementation for indexed binary buffers.
Public classInnerJoinRecordReaderTOuter, TInner, TResult
Record reader that performs a two-way inner equi-join from two sorted input record readers.
Public classInputTypeAttribute
Public classInvertedRawComparerT
Comparer that inverts the results of the default raw comparer.
Public classLineRecordReader
Reads records from a stream using line breaks as the record boundary.
Public classListRecordWriterT
Record writer that writes the items to a list.
Public classMemoryBufferStream
A reusable stream that reads from a segment of a memory buffer.
Public classMultiInputRecordReader
Provides methods for working with multi-input record readers.
Public classMultiInputRecordReaderT
Base class for record readers that combine multiple inputs.
Public classMultiRecordReaderT
Record reader that reads from multiple other record readers sequentially.
Public classMultiRecordWriterT
A record writer that paritions the records over multiple record writers.
Public classPair
Public classPairTKey, TValue
Defines a key/value pair that is mutable and supports Jumbo's IWritable serialization protocol.
Public classPairRawComparerTKey, TValue
Public classRawComparerT
Provides comparison of raw records.
Public classRawComparerAttribute
Public classRawComparerHelper
Provides helper methods for implementing raw comparers.
Public classRawRecord
Represents a serialized representation of a record.
Public classReaderRecordInput
An implementation of RecordInput that reads the input from an existing record reader.
Public classRecordFileHeader
Represents the header of a record file.
Public classRecordFileReaderT
A record reader that reads files in the record file format.
Public classRecordFileWriterT
A record writer that writes files in the record file format.
Public classRecordInput
Public classRecordReader
Provides methods for inspecting record readers.
Public classRecordReaderT
Abstract base class for record readers.
Public classRecordWriter
Provides methods for inspecting record writers.
Public classRecordWriterT
Abstract base class for classes that write records.
Public classRoundRobinMultiInputRecordReaderT
Multi input record reader that reads from all currently available inputs in a round robin fashion.
Public classStreamRecordInput
An implementation of RecordInput that reads the input from an existing stream.
Public classStreamRecordReaderT
Abstract base class for classes that read records from a stream or part of a stream.
Public classStreamRecordWriterT
Abstract base class for classes that write records to a stream.
Public classTextRecordWriterT
Writes records to a stream as plain text.
Public classUtf8String
A mutable string stored and serialized in utf-8 format.
Public classUtf8StringRawComparer
A raw comparer for Utf8String records.
Public classValueWriter
Public classValueWriterT
Public classValueWriterAttribute
Public classWritableT
Abstract base class for writable types that provides a default implementation of IWritable based on reflection and code generation.
Public classWritableCollectionT
A collection of IWritable items which itself also implements IWritable.
Public classWritableComparableT
Abstract base class for classes implementing IWritable that encapsulate a simple existing comparable type.
Public classWritableIgnoreAttribute
Public classWritableNotNullAttribute
Indicates a property on a class that inherits from WritableT will not be .
Public classWritableUtility
Provides utility functions for creating reflection-based IWritable implementations for classes.
Public classWriteBufferedStream
Provides an extra layer of write buffering for a stream.
Public structureRecordIndexEntry
Represents an index entry indicating the position of a record in an array of bytes.
Public interfaceIDeserializingRawComparer
Public interfaceIMultiInputRecordReader
Interface for record readers that combine the input of multiple record readers.
Public interfaceIMultiRecordWriterT
Interface for record writers that use partitioning.
Public interfaceIPartitionerT
Interface for classes that can partition a range of values.
Public interfaceIRawComparerT
Defines a method that a type implements to compare the raw binary representation of two objects.
Public interfaceIRecordInputStream
Interface for input streams that offer special handling of records.
Public interfaceIRecordOutputStream
Interface for streams that offer special handling of records.
Public interfaceIRecordReader
Non-generic interface for record readers.
Public interfaceIRecordWriter
Non-generic interface for record writers.
Public interfaceIValueWriterT
Interface for binary serialization of types that don't support IWritable.
Public interfaceIWritable
Interface for objects that can be serialized using the BinaryWriter and BinaryReader classes.
Public enumerationRecordStreamOptions
Indicates how a record stream should treat records.