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Ookii.Jumbo.Jet.Samples.FPGrowth Namespace

Provides a sample job implementing the Parallel FP Growth algorithm.
Public classFeatureFilterTask
Task that filters out features with too low support.
Public classFeatureGroupTask
Sorts the feature list and divides them into groups. You should never have more than one of these in a stage.
Public classFGListItem
Item in the feature and group list.
Public classFrequentPattern
A frequent pattern found by the PFPGrowth job.
Public classMappedFrequentPattern
A frequent pattern consisting of sorted item IDs. Used as intermediate data format.
Public classPFPGrowth
JobRunner for the Parallel FP-growth algorithm.
Public classTransaction
Used as intermediate type for the PFP growth job.
Public classTransactionMiningTask
Task for PFP growth transaction mining.
Public classWeightedTransaction
Transaction with count.
Public interfaceITransaction
Interface for transactions used by the FP-growth algorithm.