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MergeRecordReaderConstants Fields

The MergeRecordReaderConstants type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberComparerSetting
Public fieldStatic memberMaxFileInputsSetting
The name of the setting in the job or stage settings that specifies the maximum number of files to merge in one pass. This setting must be a Int32 that is greater than or equal to 2. If this setting is not specified, the value of the MaxFileInputs setting is used.
Public fieldStatic memberMemoryStorageTriggerLevelSetting
The name of the setting in the StageSettings or JobSettings that specifies the usage level of the channel's memory storage that will trigger a merge pass. This setting must be a Single between 0 and 1. If it isn't specified, the value of the MemoryStorageTriggerLevel property will be used.
Public fieldStatic memberPurgeMemorySettingKey
The name of the setting in the JobSettings or StageSettings that specifies whether all in-memory inputs must be merged and purged to disk before the final pass. The value of this setting must be of type Boolean. The default value is the value of PurgeMemoryBeforeFinalPass.
See Also