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Ookii.Jumbo.Jet Namespace

Provides types used in the implementation of the Jumbo Jet data processing engine, and basic types related to job operation such as ITaskTInput, TOutput, Configurable and TaskContext.
Public classAdditionalProgressCounterAttribute
Indicates that a task, multi record reader or channel reports additional progress.
Public classAdditionalProgressValue
The value of an additional progress counter.
Public classAllowRecordReuseAttribute
Attribute for task classes that indicates that the input record reader may reuse the same object instance for every record.
Public classArchivedJob
Represents information about a job that has been archived.
Public classAssemblyResolver
Enables the use of GetType(String) to resolve types in assemblies loaded with LoadFrom(String).
Public classCleanupJobJetHeartbeatResponse
Heartbeat response used when the job server wants the task server to clean up data related to a job.
Public classCompletedTask
Provides information about a task that has finished executing.
Public classConfigurable
Provides a basic implementation of IConfigurable.
Public classFileChannelConfigurationElement
Provides configuration information for the file channel.
Public classHashPartitionerT
A partitioner based on the value returned by GetHashCode(T).
Public classInitialStatusJetHeartbeatData
Heartbeat data informing the server of the status
Public classJetActivator
Provides object activation services for Jumbo Jet.
Public classJetClient
Provides client access to the Jumbo Jet distributed execution engine.
Public classJetConfiguration
Provides configuration for the Jumbo distributed execution environment.
Public classJetHeartbeatData
Base class for data sent by the task servers to the job server.
Public classJetHeartbeatResponse
Base class for heartbeat responses from the job server to the task servers.
Public classJetMetrics
Represents information about the current state of the Jet distributed execution engine.
Public classJob
Represents a job.
Public classJobServerConfigurationElement
Provides configuration information about the job server.
Public classJobStatus
Provides status information about the currently running job.
Public classJumboSettings
Provides constants for the keys of job and stage settings used by components of Jumbo.
Public classJumboSettingsFileChannel
Provides constants for the keys of job and stage settings used by the FileOutputChannel and FileInputChannel.
Public classJumboSettingsFileChannelStage
Provides constants for the keys of settings used by the FileOutputChannel that can appear only in the stage settings.
Public classJumboSettingsFileChannelStageOrJob
Provides constants for the keys of settings used by the FileOutputChannel and FileInputChannel that can appear in both the job and stage settings.
Public classKillTaskJetHeartbeatResponse
Response sent by the job server if the task server must kill the specified task.
Public classMergeHelperT
Provides methods to merge multiple segments of sorted input into one sorted output.
Public classMergeRecordReaderT
Record reader that merges the records from multiple sorted input record readers.
Public classMergeRecordReaderConfigurationElement
Public classMergeRecordReaderConstants
Public classMergeResultT
Contains the result of a merge operation.
Public classMergeResultRecordT
Represents an output record of a merge operation.
Public classMultiPartitionRecordReaderT
Record reader used for pull tasks with the ProcessAllInputPartitionsAttribute attribute.
Public classPartitionerConstants
Public classPrepartitionedPushTaskTInput, TOutput
Base class for tasks that use the push model and can receive records of multiple partitions.
Public classPrepartitionedRecordWriterT
A record writer for records that have already been partitioned.
Public classProcessAllInputPartitionsAttribute
Attribute for task classes that indicates that all input partitions should be processed by the same task instance.
Public classPushTaskTInput, TOutput
Base class for tasks that use the push model.
Public classRunTaskJetHeartbeatResponse
Heartbeat response used when the job server has a task that the task server should execute.
Public classServerShutdownException
Represents an error with the distributed file system.
Public classStageStatus
Provides status information about a particular stage.
Public classTaskAttemptId
The identifier of a task attempt.
Public classTaskContext
Provides context for a specific task attempt.
Public classTaskExecutionUtility
Encapsulates all the data and functionality needed to run a task and its pipelined tasks.
Public classTaskId
Represents a task identifier.
Public classTaskMetrics
Provides information about the read and write operations done by a task.
Public classTaskProgress
Represents the progress of a task.
Public classTaskServerConfigurationElement
Provides configuration information for the task server.
Public classTaskServerMetrics
Provides information about task servers.
Public classTaskStatus
Provides status information about a task.
Public classTaskStatusChangedJetHeartbeatData
Heartbeat data used to inform the job server that the status of a task has changed.
Public classTcpChannelConfigurationElement
Provides configuration information for the TCP channel.
Public interfaceIConfigurable
Interface for classes that need the DFS, Jet, and/or Job configuration.
Public interfaceIHasAdditionalProgress
Interface for tasks, multi record readers and channels that report additional progress.
Public interfaceIHasMetrics
Provides additional metrics about disk and network activity.
Public interfaceIJobServerClientProtocol
The interface used by clients to communicate with the job server.
Public interfaceIJobServerHeartbeatProtocol
Protocol used by the task servers to communicate with the job server.
Public interfaceIJobServerTaskProtocol
Protocol used by tasks to communicate with the job server. For Jumbo internal use only.
Public interfaceITaskTInput, TOutput
Interface for task classes.
Public interfaceITaskServerClientProtocol
The protocol used when task servers communicate with each other or when the job server communicates with a task server other than its own.
Public interfaceITaskServerUmbilicalProtocol
Interface used by the TaskHost to communicate with its task server.
Public enumerationSchedulingMode
Indicates how the scheduler should assign tasks to servers.
Public enumerationTaskAttemptStatus
The current status of a task attempt.
Public enumerationTaskServerHeartbeatCommand
Commands that the job server can send to a task server in response to a hearbeat.
Public enumerationTaskState
Indicates the current state of a task.