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MergeRecordReaderT Class

Record reader that merges the records from multiple sorted input record readers.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Ookii.Jumbo.Jet
Assembly:  Ookii.Jumbo.Jet (in Ookii.Jumbo.Jet.dll) Version: 2.0.0
public sealed class MergeRecordReader<T> : MultiInputRecordReader<T>, 
	IConfigurable, IChannelMultiInputRecordReader, IHasAdditionalProgress

Type Parameters

The type of the records.

The MergeRecordReaderT type exposes the following members.

Public methodMergeRecordReaderT
Initializes a new instance of the MergeRecordReaderT class.
Public propertyAdditionalProgress
Gets the additional progress value.
Public propertyAllowRecordReuse
Gets a value that indicates that this record reader is allowed to reuse record instances.
(Inherited from MultiInputRecordReaderT.)
Public propertyBufferSize
Gets the buffer size to use to read input files.
(Inherited from MultiInputRecordReaderT.)
Public propertyBytesRead
Gets the bytes read.
(Overrides MultiInputRecordReaderTBytesRead.)
Public propertyChannel
Gets or sets the input channel that this reader is reading from.
Public propertyCompressionType
Gets the type of compression to use to read input files.
(Inherited from MultiInputRecordReaderT.)
Public propertyCurrentInputCount (Inherited from MultiInputRecordReaderT.)
Public propertyCurrentPartition
Gets or sets the partition that calls to ReadRecord should return records for.
(Inherited from MultiInputRecordReaderT.)
Public propertyCurrentRecord
Gets the current record.
(Inherited from RecordReaderT.)
Public propertyDfsConfiguration
Gets or sets the configuration used to access the Distributed File System.
Public propertyHasFinished
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has read all records.
(Inherited from RecordReaderT.)
Public propertyHasRecords
Gets a value that indicates whether there are records available on the data source that this reader is reading from.
(Inherited from RecordReaderT.)
Public propertyInputBytes
Gets the size of the records before deserialization of all record readers.
(Inherited from MultiInputRecordReaderT.)
Public propertyJetConfiguration
Gets or sets the configuration used to access the Jet servers.
Public propertyPartitionCount
Gets the number of partitions assigned to this reader.
(Inherited from MultiInputRecordReaderT.)
Public propertyPartitionNumbers
Gets the partition numbers assigned to this reader.
(Inherited from MultiInputRecordReaderT.)
Public propertyProgress
Gets the combined progress of the record readers.
(Overrides MultiInputRecordReaderTProgress.)
Public propertyReadTime
Gets the time spent reading.
(Inherited from RecordReaderT.)
Public propertyRecordsRead
Gets the number of records that has been read by this record reader.
(Inherited from RecordReaderT.)
Public propertySourceName
Gets or sets the an informational string indicating the source of the records.
(Inherited from RecordReaderT.)
Public propertyTaskContext
Gets or sets the configuration for the task attempt.
Public propertyTotalInputCount
Gets the total number of inputs readers that this record reader will have.
(Inherited from MultiInputRecordReaderT.)
Public methodAddInput
Adds the specified input to be read by this record reader.
(Overrides MultiInputRecordReaderTAddInput(IListRecordInput).)
Public methodAssignAdditionalPartitions
Assigns additional partitions to this record reader.
(Overrides MultiInputRecordReaderTAssignAdditionalPartitions(IListInt32).)
Public methodDispose
Cleans up all resources held by this StreamRecordReader{T}.
(Inherited from RecordReaderT.)
Public methodEnumerateRecords
Enumerates over all the records.
(Inherited from RecordReaderT.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodNextPartition
Moves the current partition to the next partition.
(Inherited from MultiInputRecordReaderT.)
Public methodNotifyConfigurationChanged
Indicates the configuration has been changed. ApplyConfiguration(Object, DfsConfiguration, JetConfiguration, TaskContext) calls this method after setting the configuration.
Public methodReadRecord
Reads a record.
(Inherited from RecordReaderT.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)

If Channel is not , the MergeRecordReaderT will use the SortTaskComparerSettingKey on the StageSettings of the input stage to determine the comparer to use. Otherwise, it will use the ComparerSetting of the current stage. If neither is specified, Default will be used.

See Also