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FileChannelConfigurationElement Properties

The FileChannelConfigurationElement type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCompressionType
Gets or sets the type of compression to use for intermediate files.
Public propertyCurrentConfiguration (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyDeleteIntermediateFiles
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether intermediate files should be deleted after the task or job is finished.
Public propertyElementInformation (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyElementProperty (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyEnableChecksum
Gets or sets a value indicating whether checksums are calculated and verified for the intermediate data.
Protected propertyEvaluationContext (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyHasContext (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyItemConfigurationProperty (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyItemString (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyLockAllAttributesExcept (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyLockAllElementsExcept (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyLockAttributes (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyLockElements (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyLockItem (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyMemoryStorageSize
Gets or sets the maximum size of the the in-memory input storage.
Public propertyMemoryStorageWaitTimeout
Gets or sets the amount of time to wait for memory to become available before shuffling to disk.
Protected propertyProperties (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyReadBufferSize
Gets or sets the buffer size to use for input to push and pull tasks.
Public propertySpillBufferLimit
Gets or sets the percentage of spill buffer usage at which the SpillRecordWriterT for a file output channel using Spill and SortSpill should start writing the buffer to disk.
Public propertySpillBufferSize
Gets or sets the size of the spill buffer used for file output channels.
Public propertySpillSortMinSpillsForCombineDuringMerge
Gets or sets the minimum number of spills needed for the SortSpillRecordWriterT for the a file output channel using SortSpill to run the combiner (if there is one) during the merge phase.
Public propertyWriteBufferSize
Gets or sets the buffer size used by the file output channel to write to intermediate files.
See Also