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JobServerConfigurationElement Properties

The JobServerConfigurationElement type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArchiveDirectory
Gets or sets the local directory where archived jobs are stored.
Public propertyBroadcastAddress
Gets or sets the IP broadcast address to use when broadcasting task completion messages.
Public propertyBroadcastPort
Gets or sets the UDP port number to use when broadcasting task completion messages.
Public propertyCurrentConfiguration (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyDataInputSchedulingMode
Gets or sets the default scheduling mode for tasks that have data input.
Public propertyElementInformation (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyElementProperty (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyEvaluationContext (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyHasContext (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyHostName
Gets or sets the host name of the JobServer.
Protected propertyItemConfigurationProperty (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyItemString (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyJetDfsPath
Gets or sets the DFS directory in which job configuration should be stored.
Public propertyListenIPv4AndIPv6
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the server should listen on both IPv6 and IPv4.
Public propertyLockAllAttributesExcept (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyLockAllElementsExcept (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyLockAttributes (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyLockElements (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyLockItem (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyMaxTaskAttempts
Gets or sets the maximum number of times a task should be attempted if it encounters errors.
Public propertyMaxTaskFailures
Gets or sets the maximum number of task failures before a job fails.
Public propertyNonDataInputSchedulingMode
Gets or sets the default scheduling mode for tasks that do not have data input.
Public propertyPort
Gets or sets the port number on which the JobServer's RPC server listens.
Protected propertyProperties (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyScheduler
Gets or sets the assembly qualified type name of the scheduler to use for scheduling task.
Public propertySchedulingThreshold
Gets or sets the percentage of tasks of the input channel's sending stage that need to be finished before a stage can be scheduled.
Public propertyTaskServerSoftTimeout
Gets or sets the timeout, in milliseconds, after which new tasks are not scheduled on a task server if it has not sent a heartbeat.
Public propertyTaskServerTimeout
Gets or sets the timeout, in milliseconds, after which a task server is declared dead if it has not sent a heartbeat.
See Also