Posts for category 'Site news'

Burning up!

Who turned on the heat? Really, it's like 30C outside, unbearably hot for someone like me (I've always been better at coping with cold rather than hot weather). How am I supposed to get any work done in temperatures like this? Fortunately it'll get a little cooler soon.

In case you hadn't noticed yet, I've done a pretty big update on the El Goonish Shive section of the site. I've updated the look, got a new version of the Uryuomoco Translator out, and put some new stuff on the character statistics page. For full details, I refer to this post on the Keenspot forums. Or you could just check it out for yourself.

Categories: Site news
Posted on: 2006-06-12 21:13 UTC. Show comments (0)

Welcome to!

Welcome to, Sven Groot's website. I am a Dutch former-student, graduated Master of Science in Computer Science in 2006. I am currently living in Japan and am a research student at Tokyo University.

Some of you may be wondering what "ookii" is. "Ookii" (in Japanese: 大きい), which is roughly pronounced as the English sounds "oh-key", is Japanese for "big". My last name (Groot), is Dutch for "big". Because I am an afficionado of Japanese culture (next to my major in computer science I also followed Japanese language courses at Leiden University for almost two years) - and because the domain name was available :) - I thought this would be a nice name for the site.

There are currently five major sections to the site. First is this, the blog. Here you can find interesting and not so interesting stuff I have to say. I've tried blogging before, it wasn't such a big success, so don't expect very frequent updates. But at the very least major new additions to the site will get a mention here in a blog post, and no doubt I'll occasionally post other stuff as well.

Then there's the University section. Here you can find various projects, papers and presentations I've done as a student at Leiden University's Computer Science department.

Under the Software section, you can find various applications I've written, all including source code. This includes the popular Find As You Type add-on for Internet Explorer.

The Channel9 section is the home of everything I've done related to Channel9. Here you can find the C9 International Avatar Creator and C9Music.

And lastly, the El Goonish Shive section contains stuff related to the webcomic El Goonish Shive. Located here are the English/Uryuomoco Translator and the EGS Character Statistics.

If you wish to contact me, the best method is to post a comment right here on the blog.

Updated 2007-03-18: updated text so it's a more general introduction to the site.

Categories: Site news
Posted on: 2006-05-08 21:33 UTC. Show comments (63)

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